Organisms that cause disease are classified in a wide range of categories. Samadhi virus and bacteria Some are fungi and Some are unicellular animals are the protozoans. Some disease are also cause by multicellular organism such as different kind of worms.
Common examples of caused by virus are the common cold infection, dengue fever and aids.
Diseases such as typhoid, fever cholera, TB , anthrax are caused by bacteria. Manyccommon skin infection scare caused by different kinds of fungi. Protozoans cause many familiar disease such as malaria and Kala azar. Worms tend to cause a variety of intestinal infections and elephantiasis.
All virus live inside host cell various bacteria very rarely do. Viruses bacteria in fungi multiply very quickly but worms multiply very slowly in comparison each common trades means that may biochemical process inside their cells are similar as a result drugs that block on up the biochemical mechanism in the one member of the group will effective against any other members of the group. However the same that will not work against microbe belonging is different group.
For example antibiotics, commonly block biochemical pathway important for bacteria they for most broad spectrum antibiotics work against many species of bacteria rather than simplify working against one.
Since Waris do not use their pathway at all there is why antibiotic do not work against viral infection for example if be heavy common cold taking up antibiotic does not reduce the stability or duration of disease instant our body secret antivirus protein Infereon around to come back the virus from cold.
However if we get a bacteria infection a long with viral cold then taking antibiotic will help.
Means of spread of infectious disease
Infectious disease spread from one infected person to another person by various methods.
1-Airborne disease
Common cold, pneumonia,and tuberculosis such disease causing microbes are spread through out the air transmission of this microbes occur through the little droplets out by infected person. Who is need or Cough a person in the victimity of such a person can help these disease causing microbes and may become infected.
2- water borne diseases
Cholera ,infectious disease can we spread through water these occur when a stool from someone suffering from an infectious gut disease such as Cholera, or amebiasis get mixed with the drinking water used by people living nearby. The Cholera interested bacteria can enter new host through the water day drink and cause disease in them.
3- sexually transmitted disease
Syphills, and aids are both of these are transmitted by sexual contains from one partner to other such successfully transmitted disease are not spread by casual physical content casual physical physical content include handshake suggesting or by any of the other ways in which each other socially.
Symptoms of diseases
Our body is quite large in comparison to any type of microbe so there are many possible areas organ are tissue with our body which microbes Mein reside different species of micros appear to have a word to move a different part of the body in part this selection is related to the point of entry.
This microbes can also go to the liver can stay in the lining of the gut and do typhoid causing bacteria.
Symptoms and sign- are evidence that point to the presence of disease they are visible in the form of structure and functional change in the body of body parts they indicate that they are something wrong in our body.
On the basis of symptoms of disease physician search for different clues are sign up the disease.
Disease caused by virus
Influenza is commonly called fluid it is caused by influenza virus there is three type of in future virus A B and C. A and B types are influenza virus are important because these are responsible for causing of disease demix throughout the world the inhaled virus attack the epithelial cell in the mucus membrane of throat and upper part of respiratory tract influential many from one person to person contact and by droplet infection by snezzing coughing or talking.
The common symptoms of sudden onset of chills, discharge from the nose ,snezing ,fever ,headache ,muscular pens coughing inflammation of respiratory mucoza and general weakness people last part 3 days in adults.
Prevention- wish you try to keep away from flu patient
There is no effective control for influenza however vaccine are used for control of infection and antivirus drugs are used for cure.
Add stand for acquired immuno deficiency syndrome it is a fetal disease that is caused by retro virus a RNA virus known as Hemo amino deficiency virus HIV AIDS virus attack white blood cells or lymphocytes.
Since ads virus reduced the natural immunity of the human body dare for the patient suffering from AIDS became prone to many other infection or digit infected a patient suffering from its die from other infection card secondary infection that occurs because the patient body cannot resistor attack of pathogens of secondary infection since patient natural defence mechanism get destroy by an aids virus.
Transmission- aids disease spread among human being by the following
1 the ads disease usually spread through unprotect with the use of condom is a membrane is phenyl state of trouble having Antil or contraceptive function sexual contempt person carrying aids virus thus AIDS are sexually transmitted virus disease.
2 aids are so sweet so that transfusion of blood contaminated with an aids virus.
the needles for the use of infected needles for injection impact injection which have not been sterilized