Hello to all of you today I tell to you about some physiological facts
Top 20 physiological fact about sleep you should know
So let start
01. Research shows that adults need at least seven hours of sleep every night to function effectively throughout the day, however a lot of Americans are getting much less, as only 21% of Americans get the recommended sleep each night.
02. In the Animal Kingdom, Humans are the only mammals who delay their sleep.
03. On an average, a person falls asleep in seven minutes.
04. If you fall asleep in less than five minutes then you are likely sleep deprived.
05. Do you know that many people take much longer to fall asleep, meaning thousands of Americans suffer from a condition known as Somniphobia, which means a person has a fear of falling asleep.
06. If we talk about sleep disorders then Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder.
07. Women sleep more than men, means women are more likely to multitask, meaning their brains work harder and therefore take longer to recover.
08. For young people of high school age need 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night, this is due to brain power they need for learning and also to fuel their changing bodies. But… Researchers show that two thirds of US high school students get less than 8 hours of sleep on school night.
9. For teenagers, the sleep-wake cycle changes, so the melatonin release that includes sleep happens later in the evening, creating a highly energetic teen in the evening and a less than enthusiastic person in the morning.
10. Parents of newborn babies lose 6 months worth of sleep in the first 2 years of their child’s life.
11. Mothers who breastfeed and co-sleep get more sleep than those who don’t.
12. Research shows that having a newborn baby impacts men’s sleep more than women’s.
13. Newborn babies sleep on average 15-16 hours in a 24 hour period.
14. Research shows that creative people sleep more but less well.
15. For those who fly regularly for work could be more at risk of sleep deprivation. Flying at high altitudes leads to disturbed sleep due to the lack of oxygen.
16. Getting less than 7 hours sleep each night can make you angry, sad and stressed.
17. One sleepless night affects your brain in the same way as being drunk.
18. Because of sleep, we memorize everything correctly as lack of sleep can affect your memory as sleep triggers changes in the brain that solidifies memories.
19. Research shows that lack of sleep can cause weight gain because when you’re asleep you can actually burn calories, so sleep is important if you want to maintain a healthy weight.
20. Sleeping under a weighted blanket can improve your sleep and has even been proven to help those who suffer from insomnia and anxiety.
Some physiological fact about stress
01. It is a complete myth that stress can turn hair gray, it can cause hair loss. In fact, hair loss can begin up to three months after a stressful event.
02. In recent studies, the top most stressful jobs are a surgeon, commercial airline pilot, photojournalist, advertising account executive, and real estate agent. The least stressful jobs were actuary, dietitian, astronomer, systems analyst, and software engineer.
03. The top three stressful cities in America are Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; and New York, New York.
04. Stress can make acne worse. Researchers say stress-related inflammation rather than a rise is sebum (the oily substance in skin) is to blame.
05. Laughing lowers stress hormones (like cortisol, epinephrine, and adrenaline) and strengthens the immune system by releasing health-enhancing hormones.
06. The stress hormone cortisol not only causes abdominal fat to accumulate, but it also enlarges individual fat cells, leading to what researchers call “diseased” fat.
07. Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, liver cirrhosis, and suicide.
08. An early record of post-traumatic stress syndrome dates from the eighth century B.C. in Homer’s Iliad when Achilles suffers severe battle stress in the Trojan War. Achilles complains of feeling emotionally “numb” or “dead” and expresses suicidal thoughts and rage.
09. In Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Lady Percy’s description of her battle-worn husband, Harry Hotspur, is surprisingly similar to the symptoms of actual post-traumatic syndrome, such as feeling estranged from others, difficulty sleeping, exhibiting an exaggerated startle, dysphoria, and strong anxiety.
10. The stress of caring for a disabled spouse increases the risk of stroke substantially.
11. Chronic stress can impair the developmental growth in children by lowering the production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.
12. A CNN poll reveals that the number one reason for stress in most countries is money. The countries most stressed about money are Malaysia, China, Singapore, and the United States. The countries least stressed about money are Russia, France, and Italy.
13. The term “stress” derives from the Latin stringere (to draw tight).
14. Stress causes capillaries to close, which restricts bleeding if a flesh wound should occur.
15. Pupils dilate (mydriasis) during stress much the same way they dilate in response to attraction: to gather more visual information about a situation.
16. Chronic low-level noise and low-frequency noise below the threshold of human hearing provoke stress hormones that can interfere with learning and can also elevate blood pressure, degrade the immune system, and increase aggression.
17. Studies have found that women with moderate levels of stress were at lower risk for suicide than those women who had very high or very low levels of stress.
18. Scientists suggest that stress is part of the evolutionary drive because it has enabled humans to survive. Specifically, it temporarily increases awareness and improves physical performance.
19. Stress makes the blood “stickier,” in preparation for an injury. Such a reaction, however, also increases the probability of developing a blood clot.
20. Research has shown that dark chocolate reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and other fight-flight hormones. Additionally, cocoa is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids.
21. Chronic stress increases cytokines, which produce inflammation. Exposure to constant inflammation can damage arteries and other organs.
22. Stress can alter blood sugar levels, which can cause mood swings, fatigue, hyperglycemia, and metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for heart attack and diabetes.
23. Chronic stress worsens irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that irritates the large intestine and causes constipation, cramping, and bloating.
24. When cells shrink due to exposure to stress hormones, they disconnect from each other, which contributes to depression.
25. Chronic stress decreases the body’s immune system’s response to infection and can affect a person’s response to immunizations.
26. Stress can increase the ability of chemicals to pass the blood-brain barrier, which shields neurons from some poisons, viruses, toxins, and other fluctuations in normal blood chemistry.
27. Acoustic stress (caused by loud noises) can trigger an episode of LQTS (Long QT Syndrome) , a disorder of the heart’s electrical system. LQTS is estimated to cause as many as 3,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.
28. Young people from military families who have a deployed parent report higher levels of stress and emotional problems than other adolescents and teens.
29. Stress increases the risk of preterm labor and intrauterine infection. Additionally, chronic levels of stress place a fetus at greater risk for developing stress-related disorders and affect the fetus’s temperament and neurobehavioral development.
30. Post-traumatic stress physically changes children’s brains; specifically, stress shrinks the hippocampus, a part of the brain that stores and retrieves memories.
31. Chinese stress balls (Baoding balls) were created during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) in Baoding, China. Originally made of iron, the balls are thought to relieve stress because they touch pressure or acupuncture points on the hand.
32. Stress can result in more headaches as a result of the body rerouting blood flow to other parts of the body.
33. The hyper-arousal of the body’s stress response system can lead to chronic insomnia.
34. Extreme or sudden emotional trauma can lead to BHS (Broken Heart Syndrome), or stress cardiomyopathy (severe heart muscle weakness). This condition occurs rapidly and usually in women. In Japan, BHS is called “octopus trap cardiomyopathy” because the left ventricle balloons out in a peculiar shape.
21. Cool your room down to between 60 to 67 degree Fahrenheit (16 to 20 degree Celsius) for the best quality sleep.
22. 30 minutes of exercise each day correlates with 14 extra minutes of sleep per night.