What is obesity and its effect on human body


Firstly we know that what is obesity

What is obesity?: - Generally, being more than a man or woman according to his ideal weight (height, age) is called obesity, but according to medical science, obesity or obesity is a medical condition in which body fat increases in excess. Due to which, adverse consequences and diseases start arising in the human body. As an operational definition, it can be said that in obesity, the body mass exceeds 30. All the above things make it clear that in obesity the body fat starts increasing and the weight of the person also increases.

Effect of obesity on human life

: - At present, due to obesity or due to overload, there are many ill effects on human health, which have become a threat to human society not only in India but around the world. Millions of people, both young and old, are unable to bear the weight of this obesity. Obesity is a disease in itself which invites other diseases. Due to this, the lifeline of the human person starts getting shorter because it is associated with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and various physical and physiological, gastro-intestinal diseases, sexual

Because it gives rise to diseases like atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and various physical and physiological, gastro-intestinal diseases, sexual dysfunction and self-indulgence which are the mother of diseases like pain, heart attack, stroke, osteoarthritis.


Due to the effect of obesity and overload, some chronic diseases can arise in humans, whether they are men, women or children. This disease does not even see the age, this disease takes everyone in its grip, children, old and young. Due to obesity, the following chronic diseases can be a victim of mankind:-

Diabetes or Diabetes:- 

About 25: Cases of diabetes type-2 are due to obesity or overload. Such patients are more likely to develop type-2 diabetes. Due to diabetes, physical abilities start decreasing in people due to which they are not able to control blood sugar which results in early (untimely) death. Heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, blindness, stasis etc are the immediate consequences of diabetes and the rate of fat gain in people doubles in such condition.


 Some types of cancer are also caused by obesity epidemic. Especially in women, obesity and overweight become the cause of many chronic diseases such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke, osteoarthritis, some special types of cancer like colon, breast etc.

Sweep Apnoea:-

 Due to overload of this disease, severe symptoms are seen in obese people. In this disease, the respiratory function of the obese person stops for some time, this happens while sleeping. It is especially high when sleeping during the day and due to this it leads to heart failure. This problem arises due to physical overload.


:- Obesity and overload together give rise to height related risk. Overload puts more pressure on the joints, causing the bones to weaken and bend. Its effect is more on the lower back, hips, knees and they come under the grip of arthritis.

Gout: Gout is a type of joint disease caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. Sometimes this acid produces in the form of solid stones or small pieces which get deposited in the joints. This disease is commonly found in overloaded diseases and the chances of developing other diseases in parallel with this increase in people with overload.

Cheek bladder disease and cheek stone: - This disease is also generally found in heavy people and as the weight increases, the chances of the disease also increase, then the association of cholesterol becomes the reason for this disease.


:- Also called hypertension. When blood pressure is 140/90 or more, it is called hypertension. 65 to 80: Obesity has been found to be the cause of hypertension in people. This happens due to the increased pressure on the arteries. Due to this, the chances of getting other heart related diseases also increase.

Hypertension:- Also called hypertension. When blood pressure is 140/90 or more, it is called hypertension. 65 to 80: Obesity has been found to be the cause of hypertension in people. This happens due to the increased pressure on the arteries. Due to this, the chances of getting other heart related diseases also increase.


Stroke is caused by blood clotting in the brain. This wrong blood reaches the brain due to cholesterol. When cholesterol levels are high, it accumulates in the heart, which then travels to the brain and causes stroke. Due to this, problems like paralysis, difficulty in breathing, unconsciousness or semi-consciousness, weakness etc.

In this way, obesity and overload puts the human body in many problems, from which it is very important for human life to avoid it.


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