sustainable development and its solutionin short and long term

what is green skill

 We will discuss what is sustainable development and its solution in long term and short term

meaning and definition of sustainable development

sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs.

the important principle of sustainable development are carefully utilise our resources

.. resources so that they meet the demands and requirements of the future generation minimise the depletion of natural resources.

sustainable development is the organising principle for meeting human development goals it has its roots in ideas for sustainable forest management business development in Europe during the 17th and 18th century the idea of sustainable development gained wide acceptance due to environmental concern in the 21st century the concept of Sustainable development was published in 1987 by the United Nations world Commission on environment and development in in its our common future report are brundtland report it is defined at development that meets the rates of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their needs.

importance of sustainable development

sustainable development is necessary for the maintenance of the environment the importance of sustainable development are as follows.

proper use of means and resources-sustainable development teaches people to make a soft means and resources for the maximum benefit without moisture split helps conserve and promote development

development of positive attitude-

sustainable development brings about change in people's knowledge attitude and it was the people the responsibility to use and preserve their resources it creates the feeling that natural resources are the common properties of all the nobody can use a property according to each person will it will be conducted to enhance the environment.

development based on people participation-

people's participation is to given priority in development work in order to achieve the aims of sustainable development it creates the interest of local people in development work environment conservation with the feeling of ownership.

limitation of development-limited but effective use of means and sources are enough for the people to satisfy the basic need Limited and nonrenewable means and resources good on in decreasing in globally due to overuse development work should be conducted as per carrying capacity.

long lasting development-

sustainable development AIMS at achieving the goal of economic and social development without destroying the earth means and associated aims to create the concept of maintaining the present work for the future and considering its sources for future generation.

so due to the realisation of importance of sustainable development how there is trans sending concern of survival of the people and Planet we need to take a Holistic view of very basic of our existence it is important to Reconcile mbts economic development and preserving the natural resources and ecosystem.

problems related to sustainable development-

.poor management of natural resources combined with growing economic activity will continue to pose serious challenges to environment.

.the most significant environmental problems are associated with resources that are enable such a year and water they have finished capacity to assimilate emission and wastage but if pollution exceed its capacity ecosystem and detail white wake up early.

.to assess the regenerative capacity of natural source is difficult to determine the cases of soil erosion atmospheric pollution etc there is a sustainable and Central about the eastern and outcomes are environmental degradation.

.the effects of economic activity on the environment are continuously changing.

.due to rise in income the demand for improvement in environment quality with increased as well as resources available for investment but it is not mandatory in some cases as problems are observed to get worse in income.

solution for sustainable development

spyder difficult circumstances sustainable development is achievable however it would require lots of concentrated and coordinated first Testament of sister new devil and require the integration of all economic environmental and social component at a level

the main feature of sustainable development

1-respect and care for all life forms

2-people should learn to connect the natural resources in order to protect the living beings

3-conserving the earth vitelity and diversity

4-improving the quality of human life

5-changing personal attitude and practice towards the environment

short term solution

1-illegal deforestation is Manga forest should we stoped

2-proper balance out to be maintained between deforestation and afforestation

3-planning and building of industry is used to manage and process are type of wastage

4-proper treatment system recycling of stage and their proper disposal should be undertaken

5-polluting Industries should be located outside the city is far away from the polluted areas.

6-adaptation of rain water harvesting techniques sprinkler irrigation and use of alternative sourcessource array speaker aggregation and usability native source + game ka fertilizer should be used along with environment friendly pesticides and bdc

long-term solution

1-government should we make policies against illegal activities

2-ivenus campaign should be launched for farmers and industry lies

3-Ecology Masti Protector of imposition of taxes and fine

4-practice of Sustainable agriculture must be promoted such as permaculture Agroforestry mixed farming in multiple cropping and crop rotation

United Nations sustainable development Summit 2015

assets Global development goals these goals are determined a Genda 2030 the goals.are

1-in poverty in all forms everywhere

2-in hunger food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

3-gender equality and empowerment and girls

4-insurance to water and sanitation for

5-ensure access to affordable reliable sustainable and modern energy for all

6-promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth employment and decent work for

7-build resilient and infrastructure promote sustainable in relation and poster innovation

8-reduce inequality within and among countries


build a sealant infestation promote sustainable Innovation and Foster innovation

10-reduce inequality between and among countries

11-Mach City inclusive safe resilient and production

12-ensure sustainable consumption and production

13-take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

14-conservation and sustainable use Ocean sea and Marine sources

15-sustainably managed forests held and reserves Land Degradation held biodiversity loss

16-promote peaceful and inclusive societies

17-digitalised the Global partnership for sustainable development.

so this is the all about of Sustainable development and its solution

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